The essence of your soul exists inside of you as a vibration of light. Deep beneath the layers of thoughts contained in mind, stories of the histories of your life and the filters of beliefs upon beliefs upon more beliefs lies the true essence of who you are.

Nature resonates deep within us and harmonizes us at the soul level. Spending time connecting with nature, which we are never separate from, heals us at a very deep level and ripples this healing out to every cell in our bodies.

DiVina Vida custom crafted soul essences are an intuited al-chemical blend of high vibrational flower essences mimicking time in nature. This special signature essence has the ability to re-calibrate you at all layers of your being while shifting your frequency as you come home to your own inner radiance.

Flower essences considered the “life force” of the flower differ from essential oils also often derived from flowers which are considered “blood of the flower”. Flower essences therefore do not leave a scent like the essential oils do. Essences are similar to a homeopathic remedy and are ingested under the tongue or diluted in a glass of water.

A Soul Essence session with Lisa includes and in depth inquiry into the blockages that are currently keeping you from moving forward in life and keeping you from creating a life of passion, flow and ease. Our session together will begin with getting to know each other, doing some breath-work together and then (off line) utilizing my energy medicine balancing protocol to outline and determine the frequencies that would best serve you in clearing the blockages and truly moving forward with your purpose

Flower Essences high vibrational essences designed to align the frequencies of the body with the frequencies of nature, specifically with the life force frequency of the flowers and their healing properties. Made mainstream by Dr. Edward Bach in the 1930’s, flower essences can now be found world wide from many regions


To request your unique Soul Essence blend please contact Lisa via WhatsApp +506 8348 8286 or through email at divinavidacr@gmail.com to schedule a Zoom session where she will determine the essence that your soul desires.