Finca DiVina Vida,is a certified organic permaculture farm located in the hills above Parrita, Costa Rica. As steward of this beautiful property, Lisa Morris is dedicated to producing high-vibration healing essences from the abundance of flora fauna on the farm. We also harvest and produce some of Costa |Rica’s finest cacao and chocolate. Cultivating a variety of organic plants and chocolate bars infused with a variety of herbs, blending the rich history of cacao in the region with the commitment to healing and high vibrational products. All the cacao products, including beans, nibs, powder, and ceremonial cacao, are available through our website.

The farm sits far far away from cell towers and interference from mechanical and manmade industry allowing the vibrational essences to maintain an extremely high frequency in harmony with all that is around this beautiful setting in nature. Each essence is an alchemical blend that brings about profound shifts to those who are open to the shift and drawn to each essence. Currently, the essence line consists of 7 blends which will be expanding to a total of 12 monthly vibrational upgrades which allows for time for integration and recalibration of your body/mind emotional, mental and physcial system.